Last we heard, Alice in Chains were hard at work on material for their second album since the death of original vocalist Layne Staley. There’s no doubt the album will be one of the year’s best — the only question we have is will we hear the album in 2012?
The past five years saw the return of many of the most beloved rock acts of the 1990′s — Stone Temple Pilots, Smashing Pumpkins, Bush, Soundgarden, and of course Alice in Chains. Though they had tragically lost the main voice of the band when Layne Staley died after years of substance abuse — they found new life with Comes with the Fall vocalist William DuVall and released their first album in 14 years. ‘Black Gives Way to Blue’ silenced many of the skeptics and was easily one of the best rock albums of 2009, earning AIC two Grammy nods for ‘Best Hard Rock Performance.’
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