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7 mar 2014

Behemoth - The satanist / Atrocity - Okkult album lyrics

behemoth the satanist atrocity okkult

Behemoth - The satanist album lyrics
1. "Blow your trumpets gabriel"
2. "Furor divinus"
3. "Messe noire"
4. "Ora pro nobis lucifer"
5. "Amen"
6. "The satanist"
7. "Ben sahar"
8. "In the absence ov light"
9. "O father o satan o sun!"

Atrocity - Okkult album lyrics
1. "Pandaemonium"
2. "Death by metal"
3. "March of the undying"
4. "Haunted by demons"
5. "Murder blood assasination"
6. "Necromancy divine"
7. "Satan's braut"
8. "Todesstimmen"
9. "Masaya (boca del infierno)"
10. "When empires fall to dust"
11. "Beyond perpetual ice"
12. "La voisine"

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